Latest News
The annual meeting of CEI/SE (for 2024) will be held on the 30th of January 2025 at 18:00 CET (mingle will begin at 17:30). All caretakers of Sweden, you can join the meeting at Öresundsgymnasiet, Regeringsgatan 54, Landskrona. If you are unable to join in-person, please contact Birgitta Nordén at, to join via Zoom-meeting.
We hope we will see you there!
CEI Junior Alumni application 2025
The application to become a junior alumni at this years conference in Mexico City, Mexico is now open until the 12th of February. Please visit the Alumni CEI website to read more and apply for the position!
Been to 2 conferences
Between the ages of 18 - 24 years old
More information and application:
Nominee for "volunteer of the year" Majlinda Balija, award by Visit Skåne
One of our volunteers in CEI 2024, Majlinda Balija, has been nominated for the "Volunteer of the Year by the "Hylla Skåne" awards hosted by Visit Skåne. Visit the link below to vote for our hard working volunteer!:

30th anniversary CEI/SE
On the 26 of November, CEI/SE celebrated the 30th anniversary of the organisation. It was a night to remember filled with laughter, dance and celebration. Thank you to everyone who attended the celebration and made it a great anniversary!
Pictures will be posted here shortly
Karin Warlin and Birgitta Nordén have received the Sals Grant for their work on CEI Sweden 2024. Here is the motivation on their website:
"Birgitta Nordén and Karin Warlin
"For their never-ending energy to take care of, manage and further develop young people's ability and opportunity to build knowledge about and act for sustainable development on our planet through, not least, practical tasks and a strong international exchange and network. With their work in Caretakers of the Environment International Sweden (CEI), safety and commitment are built. CEI creates trust and hope for the future!”

Professor Arjen Wals, Co-Funder & former President of CEI, shares insights in a brief key note greeting to all Caretakers. Please, take part of Arjen´s powerful eco-critical reflections on the state of the art considering UN SDGs and Agenda 2030/2050.
If you have lots of leisure time this summer. Take the opportunity as well to (download for free) read the newly launched book, in which also Birgitta Nordén published an article. Check out for: Arjen Wals et al. (Eds): Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: Education Renewal in Times of Distress. Sustainable Development Goals Series.

Packing list
Getting ready for the in person conference? Here are a couple of things you need to bring

Posted on the 7th of June 2024
Keep yourselves updated and check out the new updates of the websites under "program" and "News-/informationletter"
Posted on the 30th of May 2024
Message to the participants of the GYRP
Hi all aspiring Youth Reporters! With just a little more than a month left before the conference, I'd like to make a little addendum to those of you who are keen to join the reporter group during the conference.This one is not a team assignment. Each student who would like to take part will need to make and send their own video, so that we may choose one student from every country that would like to take part. Since there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding and we've received a few group assignments, we are prolonging the deadline until the 9th of June. Make a short video (no more than a minute) presenting your project or something that means a lot to you, where you also ask a few questions to your project mates. Then send your name, along with the video, to
Can't wait to see what you create!
Check out this awesome and fun video from one of the Hong Kong delegations!
Written on the 28th of April 2024
Global Youth Reporter Programme
The invitation to the GYRP has now been posted under "New Young Masters Program & GYRP". It is for those of you who are interested in documenting, filming and reporting on all things CEI 2024. Check it out and see if you are interested!
Written on the 23rd of April 2024
Hi Everyone!
Just a reminder that in order to qualify for the Early Bird Prices your application for registration at the CEI 2024 conference both digitally as well in person needs to be submitted by the 7th of February. After the 7th of February normal registration fees will apply, unless otherwise agreed with CEI Sweden.
Regards, CEI Sweden Board
Written on the 5th of February 2024
Here are some photos of the host city of CEI 2024, Landskrona. The municipality of Landskrona has a population of approximately 47 000 people. It is located by the sea and has a long history spanning over 600 years.
Written on the 1th of January 2024
Seminar about NYMP
Preparing the learning activities in the chapters 1-6 with the student teachers in Science at Malmö university, when Karin Warlin and Birgitta Nordén held a seminar about NYMP i.e. New Young Masters Program
Written on the 9th of December 2023
Welcome to Landskrona slides
Below we share the presentation our host Karin Warlin did during the CEI2023 conference, welcoming you all to Landskrona in 2024. The presentation also has some key information for the 2024 conference!

Very welcome to the town of Landskrona in Sweden June 2024

The CEI days of the conference will be from Monday June 24th to Friday June 28th

It will be wonderful to see you for CEI2024 in person or online!

Very welcome to the town of Landskrona in Sweden June 2024
Here are some pictures from our kick-off in August 2023 where we met to listen to inspiring speeches and start off the collaborative work toward CEI 2024 in Landskrona. A first step on the journey toward Education, Regulation and Collaboration towards a Sustainable Future.

CEI2024 teaser video
This video gives an introduction to Sweden and beautiful Landskrona, the town where the 2024 annual CEI conference will be hosted

This page will be updated with news as we get closer to the conference. If you wish to join the CEI2024 mailing list, fill out the sign-up form below and we'll keep in touch. Keep an eye out for the next newsletter!